20160605 - Contests

Post date: Jun 4, 2016 5:13:46 AM

Trans Tasman

Coming up on the 16th of July is the Trans Tasman Low-Band Contest. The contest has an aim to encourage Low Band activity trans Tasman that is between VK and ZL. Work as many VK and ZL Prefixes and as many different stations on 160 80 and 40M in a short evening contest.

  • Start Time is 0800 UTC and finish time is 1400 UTC

This contest is to encourage Low Band Activity in Australia and New Zealand.

  • The applicable bands are 160, 80 and 40M. The modes are SSB CW and Digital (RTTY and PSK only) .

Points are only awarded for valid contacts between VK and ZL stations.

The contest is made up of 3 individual two hour blocks – you are able to work another station once per band and mode in every block.

Every different Prefix used by VK or ZL stations is a valid multiplier and credit can be claimed once per band, per block.

  • There are categories for both single operator, high – low – and QRP power, and multi-operator single transmitter and multiple transmitter stations.

All contacts are worth one point – Add the number of contacts made in the two hours and multiply by the different prefixes worked on each band in that two hours. Trent VK4TS suggests you download the latest version of VKCL prior to the contest as the scoring is slightly different to past years.

Pop it into your calendar now and get planning so you don’t forget.

VK Shires

Also coming up shortly is the VK Worked All Shires Contest.

The objectives of this contest are for amateurs around the world to contact as many VK shires as possible in the contest period. VK amateurs are to work the world including VK, whilst the rest of the world can only work VK.

It’s held NEXT weekend, the 11th through 12th of June, to coincide with the Queen’s Birthday weekend on the EAST coast. I wonder if it’s an excuse to have another long weekend in a week from now.

There are both fixed and roving stations. Roving meaning you are portable or mobile for the entire contest participation, and activate a minimum of 2 shires. For those in Perth, you can cover a fair area in 24 hours. The more shires…. The more multipliers – that’s what I say.

For a full run-down of the rules, categories and scoring for these 2 contests– please go to the Contest section at WIA.ORG.AU.

Glynn, VK6PAW.

VK Shires Contest