The Programme for PerthTech 2024
Programme may be subject to change.
Mooneer Salem K6AQ - Presentation: Machine Learning and FreeDV
Digital voice (especially on VHF/UHF) is something that hams have been doing for several decades. While it does have advantages over traditional analog voice, one big disadvantage is the lower perceived audio quality. This is despite being able to decode and copy digital voice transmissions at lower signal to noise ratios than would otherwise be possible. HF, meanwhile, adds additional complications that affect the ability to decode a signal that's of acceptable audio quality. Join us as we talk about how the FreeDV project is using machine learning to improve digital voice on the HF bands.
Emeritus Prof. Peter Hall, VK6HP
Low and medium-frequency radio often appears arcane and difficult, while remote station operation frequently involves specialized IT solutions. In this presentation I’ll show how new-generation radio and related hardware (both commercial and homebrew) and standard remote desktop software, together with a 4G LTE data link, has made possible a world-class LF/MF station at Manjimup, south of Perth. The station is built around a de-commissioned aeronautical NDB facility, the morse ident of which was “MJM”. I’ll present some of the work contained in a recent QEX paper [1], outline how access to the NDB facility was obtained, and add a few suggested directions for hams interested in the fascinating world of LF/MF antennas, propagation, transmission technologies, signalling and coding, and more. There is a steadily growing interest in LF/MF in VK6 and a recently published website [2] aims to further promote the topic.
Peter Miles VK6YSF
Peter will discuss how necessity propelled him into maintenance of his radio equipment.
He will also walk through a couple of example repairs; what he did wrong and what he learned from the experience.
Peter Bassett-Scarfe VK6PBS
With Co-presenter Chris Stickland,ESM, Manager. State Emergency Service Unit
"Amateur Radio Emergency Service Support"
The Mandurah State Emergency Service (unit) and the Peel Amateur Radio Group Inc have had a close relationship since 1983.
Some amateur radio operators were also volunteers of the Mandurah SES at the time PARG was formed. Today some members of PARG are also members of the Mandurah SES.
PARG has a formal Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Mandurah SES. PARG has a specific callsign for use on amateur radio frequencies for training exercises and operations with Mandurah SES. It is VK6SES.
Mandurah SES has allocated a callsign to the PARG Mobile Communications Trailer for use on SES channels for training and operations involving PARG.
There is also an arrangement termed PARGESS - the Peel Amateur Radio Group Emergency Service Support. "PARG maintains a supportive stance to assist the radio communications needs of the emergency services in and around Mandurah."
Bob Lockley VK6KW
WICEN in Western Australia is currently undergoing a revival. Bob will discuss what developments, including discussions with S.E.S. headquarters.
Chris Chapman VK3QB
Chris is a keen CW operator, especially on 40 metres.
The International Amateur Radio Union (Region 3) is undertaking a review of the 40 Metre Band Plan. This is being done under the banner of Harmonisation, and seeks to address many of the inconsistencies in the 40 metre band plans across different countries and regions. How will this new plan affect you, especially if you are a 40 metre CW operator? Chris will lead a discussion.
Dennis Brown Vk6AKR and Dave VK6KV
"Measuring Permittivity of Uncommon Dielectrics" with the sub-title of "Spend more time on air, less time tuning that new antenna"
Presenting the design and outcome of a project to characterise uncommon dielectrics such as building wire insulation and radome materials such as reticulation pipe and electrical conduit.
Randall Wayth VK6WR
Programme order may be subject to change.