NewsWest 12th November 2017

Post date: Nov 11, 2017 6:23:55 AM

This weekend we paused to remember those who suffered or perished through wars. The 11th November marks the end of World War One, the Great War, ninety nine years ago. This global war was also called the war to end all wars. How little did they know. Even so, we remembered them, and will continue to remember those who have suffered war.

This hobby of ours has been around for a bit over one hundred years, with lots of history. This week we share some of that Amateur Radio History by taking a look at what was happening in Australian Amateur Radio sixty years ago in 1957.

There’s been a bit of chatter about the Solar low - are we there yet? Today we explore that possibility.

You will also hear the regular features of Onno’s Foundations of Amateur Radio and Roys Helpline, and I will deliver part two of Myths I have known.

NewsWest can be heard on a variety of frequencies and at variety of times, as well as online via download or podcast. Visit to find out how.

I’m Bob VK6POP, the NewsWest producer for this week. The text edition of this week’s news can be viewed here